Join Us at
MD&M Minneapolis!
November 2 -3, 2022
Minneapolis Convention Center
Minneapolis, MN
Visit Accu-Seal and CeraTek at booth 2824 to learn about the latest technology and trends in constant heat and impulse heat medical pouch sealers, continuous rotary band sealers, and tray sealers.

Accu-Seal designs, manufactures and supports a complete line of heat sealing and vacuum sealing machinery. Our goal is to provide you with dependable heat sealing machines for “Sealing in your product integrity.” Building heat sealing and vacuum sealing machines that help you build your business, supporting the medical, pharmaceutical, electronics, industrial, food, cosmetic, chemical, water filtration, and aerospace industries.
Learn more at:

The CeraTek product line includes hot-bar medical pouch sealers (with optional evacuation/gas flush), a Vacuum Chamber Hot Bar Pouch Sealer capable of a vacuum draw to 5 milli-bar, & shuttle-style medical tray sealers that are fully validatable, calibratable, CE & ISO-11607 compliant. Sample IQ/OQ protocol documents and 2-year warranties are available for most models.

Urania has been the industry leader for medium and high volume packaging applications for many years. The 4000P and 5000P sealers are engineered to deliver the accuracy and repeatability required for medical device and pharmaceutical packaging. They are also well suited for food and dry bulk products.
Learn more at: Urania
Visit Us at Booth 2824

We look forward to seeing you at MD&M Minneapolis!
Stop by booth 2824 to learn how we can help achieve higher efficiency and throughput.